Samir basu on Nandigram

Mr. Samir Basu commented on the article Nandigram issue. Here is what he had to say

Your account of Nandigram incident is half truth. Sequence of event is OK. But main cause behind formation of BUPc has not been mentioned. a large part of Nadigram or CHAR NANDIGRAM has been formed as a process of siltation and the land belongs to W.B. Govt. Local Panchayats used to issue temporary right to local residents to cultivate on such land. Money used to be taken by Panchayat leaders and local CPIM and TRINAMUL leaders alike. WB Govt. decoded to utilise a large part of such CHAr land – actually belonging to GOVT so that minimum compensation on account of Land acquisition can be paid. TRINAMUL and asection of LEFT leaders in fear of losing financial interest formed BUPC and resisted the acquisition. It is more for personal gain than for public purpose. Social Activists and NGOs involved in the movement in the name of sympathy for general public have minted money and received millions of dollars as foreign grants. A RTI petition has been lodged to gain information that how mucht money these NGOs and activists have received after joining Nandigram movement.

Nandigram issue

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