Kidney scam: Tip-off helped kingpin escape

Haryana Police on Sunday said they did not rule out the possibility of the alleged mastermind of the kidney racket, Dr Amit Kumar, having fled the country, taking advantage of the network of some of his foreign clients.

The scam was exposed after a victim registered a police complaint in Moradabad.

Senior Police Officer Manzil Saini has admitted that Dr Kumar got away because someone tipped him off about the police raid.

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Affairs of the heart

Affairs of the heart

Vijay Singh

Paris: Will supermodel-singer Carla Bruni accompany French President Nicolas Sarkozy to India, was the question doing the rounds when one left Delhi a few days ago. I was surprised to be confronted with the same question upon landing in Paris. Sarkozy-Carla’s visit to India, with the prospect of their nascent romance being blessed by the Taj Mahal, was beginning to become a riddle, when a former colleague from the French daily Liberation called to inform that Carla herself had phoned the newspaper to clarify that neither are they yet married nor will she be accompanying the French president to India. “Oh no! How disappointing!” lamented an Indian journalist on learning the news. “We were all set for her. She’d have taken the press by storm. You know whose fault this is — this wretched protocol!” Read more of this post

Sachin more popular than Yuvraj and Dhoni

Statistics for the last two months show that Sachin Tendulkar has been written about more number of times than Yuvraj singh and Mahendra Singh Dhoni, whereas MSD(Mahendra Singh Dhoni) has been the least popular.


10 Characteristics of MacBook Air

To begin with what exactly is the MacBook Air?
It’s Apple’s entry into the lightweight portable computer market known as the subnotebook

The 10 characteristics

  1. Cost
    • The base 1.6GHz model costs $1,799, $300 more than the top-of-the-line 2.2 GHz black MacBook, and $200 less than the low-end 2.2GHz 15-inch MacBook Pro
  2. Weight
    • 3 pounds
    • MacBook weighs 5 pounds, the 15-inch MacBook Pro, 5.4 pounds, and the 17-inch MacBook Pro, 6.8 pounds.
  3. Size
    • The wedge-shaped laptop actually tapers from 0.76 inches high at the back to 0.16 inches at the front. In terms of its width and depth, it’s actually almost identical to the MacBook, at 12.8 inches wide and 8.9 inches deep.
  4. Trackpad
    • The trackpad is capable of recognizing multi-touch gestures, similar to using an iPhone or iPod touch.
  5. Ethernet
    • MacBook Air doesn’t have it. If you need Ethernet connectivity, Apple will sell a $29 10/100BASE-T USB Ethernet adapter that connects to the USB port.

Read all the 10 features by clicking here

See Also

MacBook Air – The slimmest Video

The MacBook – Air promotional video – Fabulous

See also:

MacBook Air – Pros n Cons

For those of us who’ve been waiting—far too long, it seems—for a smaller, lighter laptop from Apple, Tuesday’s announcement of the MacBook Air was a welcome one. I, for one, have been wanting a smaller version of the MacBook Pro since…well, since the MacBook Pro replaced the PowerBook G4 line, sans the 12-inch model.

But subnotebooks—laptops designed to be smaller and lighter than traditional models—generally involve many tradeoffs. For the reduction in size and weight, many smaller notebooks compromise on such attributes as the size of the display and keyboard, processor speed, battery life, and included features. Most also cost more than a comparably-featured larger model. The MacBook Air is no exception, Steve Jobs’ claims to the contrary notwithstanding. What makes the MacBook Air unique is that Apple has chosen to make different compromises than those found in most other subnotebooks. The company has essentially said, “It has tradeoffs and limitations, but we think our tradeoffs and limitations are better than the competition’s.”

Where it shines

Before getting to those tradeoffs, consider the areas in which the MacBook Air stands out. Unlike many subnotebooks, it includes a generously-sized 13.3-inch, 1280- by 800-pixel, glossy LED screen, using the same LED technology Read more of this post

H5N1 back-18000 chickens dead

MUMBAI (Reuters) – The Indian government confirmed on Tuesday that the latest outbreak of bird flu in poultry in the country’s east was of the virulent H5N1 strain.

“The strain is deadly enough to kill the birds,” federal Health Secretary Naresh Dayal told Reuters by phone from New Delhi. “Our teams are already there, now people will be monitored for flu-like symptoms and there will be surveillance.”

More than 18,000 chickens and other poultry have died in and around Margram village in West Bengal state over the last couple of weeks, officials have said.


CATACLYSM MILLIONS OF YEARS AWAYCATACLYSM MILLIONS OF YEARS AWAY: An artist’s impression of Smith’s Cloud approaching the Milky Way. The cloud, which will hit our galaxy in 20-40 million years, is named after the astronomer who discovered it in 1963 and contains enough hydrogen to make a million stars like the Sun. Eleven thousand light years long and 2,500 light years wide, the cloud is only 8,000 light years away from the Milky Way’s disk. The celestial formation is careening towards the galaxy at more than 150 miles per second and is aimed at the disk at an angle of about 45 degrees

SEE ALSO : Earth is in danger, asteroid could strike earth

source: TOI